Eriko Kasai
Jun 27, 2017
日本の夏、何をする?/What to do in a Japanese summer?
みなさん、こんにちは!絵里子です。 私はタイに住んでいるので、 日本に住んでいた時のように、 「夏がきたー!」と思うことはあまりないのでが、 日本の夏を思い出してみなさんに夏の楽しみ方をお伝えしますね。 Hello Everyone! It’s Eriko here....
Eriko Kasai
Jun 6, 2017
日本でアルバイトやボランティア/Working part time and volunteering in Japan
Who would like to work in Japan for just a short period as a trial before making the decision to work and live in Japan?
Today, I would like
Eriko Kasai
May 21, 2017
「もぐもぐ」「ぱくぱく」食べるときのオノマトピア/ “Munch”, “Gobble” onomatopoeia when eating
If you are a fan of Japanese manga, you should already have seen onomatopoeia a lot.
When a Japanese learner hears it, one thinks of onomato
Eriko Kasai
May 9, 2017
日本の五月病ってなに?/What is "May Disease"?
In Japan, we have something called “May Disease” that happens as the season changes and the air becomes light.
Today, I would like to introd
Eriko Kasai
May 2, 2017
方言が学べる映画/Learning dialects from movies
I would like to introduce thrilling movies with Japanese dialects that I have seen.Previously I wrote an article about Japanese dialects cal
Eriko Kasai
Apr 25, 2017
日本のドラマで楽しく勉強しよう!Let’s enjoy studying Japanese with Dramas!
“Is my Japanese natural?”If you have such question, it's time to use Japanese drama as studying materials. You'll learn about real c
Eriko Kasai
Apr 24, 2017
ひらがなの書き間違いに気を付けて! Be careful about making writing mistakes in Hiragana!
Let’s review easily mistaken hiragana and katakana since they are similar today.
Eriko Kasai
Mar 16, 2017
日本に旅行しよう!Let’s take a trip to Japan!
Do you want to know about reasonable way to buy tickets, book tours, join activities, ask volunteer guide to show around, etc...? There are
Eriko Kasai
Mar 6, 2017
日本のニュースリンク集 Link Collection of Japanese News
I’ll introduce up to the minute Japanese news websites.
There are English only ones, bilingual ones and Japanese only ones so I’ll go throug
Eriko Kasai
Jan 11, 2017
鍋(なべ)を食(た)べます/ You eat a POT?!( metonymy )
こんにちは、絵里子塾のえりこです。 さて、先日バンコクは急に3日間ほど寒くなってびっくりしました。 朝の気温が18度ぐらいだったんですよ。 Hi! Eriko of Eriko-juku here. Well, recently I was surprised when...
Eriko Kasai
Jan 8, 2017
河豚 🐡 “fugu” (puffer fish)
みなさん、お元気ですか。 絵里子塾のえりこです。 Hi guys, how are you? Eriko of Eriko Juku here. さて、先日(せんじつ)日本に1週間帰っていたんですが、 是非、食べたいものがあったんです。...