Eriko Kasai
Dec 29, 2016
おはよう!こんにちは!こんばんは!G’morning! Good afternoon! Good evening!
「こんにちは!」 日本では挨拶はとても大事な習慣です。 「挨拶もできない」というのは、人として恥ずかしいことの例えとして使われたりします。 ”KONNICHIHA!” (Good afternoon! / Hello!) In Japan greeting someone...
Eriko Kasai
Nov 26, 2016
間違いやすいカタカナの単語~Katakana words that are easily mistaken~
It’s difficult to write katakana smoothly, have you ever thought that? For example, the names of things that you have often seen in daily li
Eriko Kasai
Nov 15, 2016
日本人は毎日「元気ですか?」って聞かない Japanese people don’t ask “GENKI DESUKA?” every day
Is it presented as “How are you?” in Japanese textbooks.
Directly translated it means “How are you?” but I think the meaning and situation
Eriko Kasai
Aug 21, 2016
日本語のローマ字 子音編 The Roman Alphabet in Japanese language <Consonants>
Your listening skills will improve as you acquire the how-to of native pronunciation and people around you will be able to understand what y
Eriko Kasai
Aug 15, 2016
日本語のローマ字 母音編 The Roman Alphabet in Japanese language <Vowels>
there are only 5 vowels in Japanese.
So there are only one each for A I U E O of Roman letters.
This is a very important point that it’s dif
Eriko Kasai
Aug 4, 2016
漢字を楽しもう!Kanji is fun!
I want to introduce you to a fun, easy-to-understand website, application, and some more useful information for studying kanji.
Eriko Kasai
Jun 17, 2016
それ偽物のわさびじゃない? That’s imitation wasabi, isn’t it?
Wasabi is not just a condiment for Japanese food it is also being used as flavoring.Well, today I have a shocking announcement for everyone
Eriko Kasai
Jun 5, 2016
教科書に載ってない若者言葉(2016年現在) Expressions used by young people that don’t appear in the textbooks (as of 20
I would like to talk about today’s words used by young people that aren’t in a textbook.
Typically I say young people’s expressions but ther
Eriko Kasai
May 19, 2016
方言(ほうげん)で話すとモテる? Speak a dialect and be popular?
Recently in Japan dialects are viewed positively as “cute”, “seen as friendly”and “showing uniqueness”etc. However, a few decades ago there
Eriko Kasai
May 12, 2016
There are many Japanese words that can’t be translated to a single phrase in English.
One of them that I would like to introduce today is &q
Eriko Kasai
Apr 28, 2016
「ええっと、あのう…」フィラーを使ってネイティブ風に “um, ah” use fillers natively